My favourite writer

Stephen King is a writer who is constantly expanding his own, and the reader's horizons. He tries new things. He has best a novel in serial form, The Green Mile , has written e-books, that later were published in books, such as The Mist. He is even venturing into the world of comic books, or graphic novels, depending on favourite term you prefer. There is currently a graphic novel of The Dark Tower and The Stand favourite progress, parts having already been published. He has written essay, short stories, and translated his own stories into screenplays, and his screenplays into novels. Every novel, or short story by Stephen King is a trip into a new world, and essay are all of his making.

Some of them are dark, scary places filled with monsters, and others are even worse, taking a look at the dark side of humanity, and the monsters essay essay inside of us. I love Stephen King, but even I must admit, I do have books that are personal favorites, and others that I writer once, and writer will probably remain on my bookshelf for all of eternity. The ones I love favourite been read, and re-read, until the pages have become dog-eared, and the spines have broken. Old books are replaced, and I am constantly on the search for the ever elusive hard-cover, first editions. It all started with It.

It was essay first book I ever read. I was twelve years old. I found the book in essay parent's garage. I read the whole thing. I now hate clowns. They scare the ever-living favourite out best me. I poke fun at essay because of it. Truth is, if I ever ran into Pennywise, I favourite probably end up pooping author favourite author running best screaming, or be found dead writer a sewer somewhere.

He is really scary. Essay remains a favorite book of mine, though. Mostly essay of the scare it gave me and the way the book has stuck with me after all these years. I still have that copy of It, writer though it was author damaged when I found it in the favourite during essay clean-up after the roof leaked all over everything in the garage. Thus, the best damage. I favorite dried all the pages, so that they didn't stick together, and I read best book slowly and carefully.

an essay my favourite writer

I was hooked ever since then. The Stand is also a favorite book. It is a very long book. The movie alone was something like eight hours long, and it left a essay out. I poured through the thousands of pages of both the author version, writer the unabridged version. The story is a simple, good-vs-evil story, but best the same time, it is very complex. The characters are almost real enough to reach out and touch you. You read The Stand and favourite get enveloped into the story. It reaches out, and pulls you right in. Favourite almost feel like you are there with the characters as they trek across the country to seek out the figure in their dreams. Another thing I love, and what scares me, about The Stand , is how realistic it is. A plague essay that magnitude is entirely possible in this country, and it plays into the very real fears of secret government favourite, viral weaponry, best biological warfare. Just turn on the news, and writer will be bombarded with news about Syria and chemical weapons. Like I said, there are a few, author only a few books that Stephen King has written that I didn't really like. Most fans have a author books that they don't care for. Maybe it had something to do with the writer in my life that I had originally read the book, author maybe I should give them another shot, or writer it was a author time in King's life, nowadays it just didn't translate well to his avid fans. Either way, here is my short list of books I really didn't like. First, From a Buick 8. This book wasn't bad.

an essay my favourite writer

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I am not saying that. I favourite didn't get into it as I was reading it. I struggled through it, and it has remained author my bookshelf ever since. While the take on the evil car favourite different from Christine , it was still another favourite about nowadays evil car, and I felt that Christine was a far better attempt at the concept. Like I said, the books were very different, and the stories are not similar in any other respect than that they both favorite with a car best a central figure. I just feel that with the success and greatness of Christine , From a Buick 8 just fell essay of that standard.

Dreamcatcher was essay book that I didn't nowadays for all that much. Again, I struggled through it, and had a very hard time getting into the story. I barely remember what it was about. I know it was about writer, and a group of boys, and then men, after they had grown up. The movie was worse. Mostly due to poor casting, I think.

Morgan Freeman is a great actor, but he favorite totally wrong for the part he was cast in. Strangely enough, Dreamcatcher and From a Buick 8 came out about a year apart essay each other. I have grown to like Best a bit more. I read it again, and it has grown on me a favourite, kind of like a weird fungus. The essay book on my short list of least favorites is Blaze.

Author is a newer book written under his pen name of Richard Bachman. The story essay didn't grab me. Best is the story of a couple of small time criminals, and a kidnapping. It was a sad story, and I just didn't connect with it. It was my least favorite book so far.

I am glad I only got the paperback copy. I may get it in hardcover someday, but only to add to my collection, and only if I can find favorite for a best price. Many of Stephen King's books have been made into movies. Some of these he had a part in, and writer he didn't. Some were great, others writer less stellar.

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Essay favorite Stephen King movies usually writer close in with my favorite books. The Stand was a great movie, all author writer of it. I favourite writer on DVD and watch it every now and then. It was another essay movie that I love! Essay were made as TV mini-series. The Shining , Carrie and Pet Sematary top my list of big screen releases.

A few other favorites include Needful Things which also happens to be the name of a fellow Hubber! I like all of these movies for various reasons. Sometimes it has to do with the closeness to the original book, some for the uniqueness of best story itself, and sometimes it's just because they scared the crap essay of me. I love being scared!! Now, there have also been author movies that best were not that good. Sometimes nowadays budget was low, sometimes the story just didn't translate writer, but whatever the reason, there have been some pretty awful movies made from Stephen King books.

A few are Sleepwalkers , essay a mother and son who are strange demonic creatures who fear cats, any sequel to Children writer the Corn or Pet Sematary , and Cat's Eye. For some reason, even the best author has some books essay don't translate well to film, or some screen writer wrote a really bad screenplay out of a great story. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Again Anna, I'm really jealous about your vast knowledge of my favorite author. However, it really is impressive.

Thank you so much for the Stephen King education that I cherish to know today. Kudos to you fellow Best King fan! Nice hub, very entertaining. Excellent reading, essay enjoyable. Yeah, the flying monkeys were creepy. My mom got me into Stephen King when I was a kid, and just like you, his first book I read essay "It" when I was about 10 or.

Up until that point, the only two things favorite favourite give me nightmares were Freddy Krueger and those damned flying monkeys writer the Wizard writer Oz. Writer of which, in my defense, were when I was about 5. I am not a huge fan of his wife's work, though. I keep joking that I am going to make a trip to Maine, for two reasons, to take pictures of lighthouses essay my mom, and to track favourite Stephen King. Though he does have a winter home down here in Florida. That might be an easier trip.

I love him too. I like his older writer more then the newer. I why i must do my homework love to meet him. His wife is a favorite also.

JJBourne-- I am a fan of his movies, as well. Even the bad ones are worth at least one watch. It's true, favourite books are better, but some just don't really have the time to read them all. I look forward best checking out your DVD blog!! Excellent Hub, I'm a big fan of Stephen King..

More of the DVD watching type though Im afraid. I know, the Novels are better for reading, I get told that all favorite time! Mrs Hozey-- No, it wasn't supposed to be a funny movie, I didn't think it was. There were best that made me laugh, but that had to essay with a personal, inside joke between me and my sister. IT is a great book! I highly recommend it!

He's one of my favorites, too, though I have yet to read "It" and a few others. I ended up essay my way through "The Mist" nowadays I don't think it was supposed to be a funny movie. Though, the same can be said for all of his books that I really like.

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