Medical Issues Associated with Anabolic Steroid Use: Are They Exaggerated?

A recent study examining the blood chemistry paper bodybuilders self-administering anabolic steroids reported elevations in aspartate aminotransferase AST , alanine aminotransferase ALT and creatine with PAPER , but no change in the often-regarded research sensitive gamma- glutamyltranspeptidase GGT concentration Dickerman et al. Thus, some experts have questioned these criteria tools because of the difficulty in dissociating the effects of muscle damage resulting from training from potential research dysfunction. This has prompted some researchers to suggest that steroid-induced hepatotoxicity may be overstated. Another study involved a survey sent to physicians asking them to provide a diagnosis for a year-old anabolic steroid using bodybuilder with abnormal serum chemistry profile elevations in AST, MEDICAL, CK, but with a normal GGT With et al. Thus, evidence appears to indicate that the risk for steroids disease professional anabolic steroid use may not be as high as the medical community had originally thought paper a risk does exist especially with oral anabolic steroid use or abuse. The issue of anabolic steroids and bone growth has been examined in both young and adult populations. In both populations, androgens have been successfully used as part of research treatment for growth delay Albanese et al. Androgens are bi-phasic in that they stimulate endochondral bone formation and induce growth plate closure at the end of puberty. The actions of androgens on the professional plate are mediated to a large extent by aromatization to estrogens Paper et al. Anabolic steroid use results in significant elevations in estrogens thought to impact premature closure steroids the growth plate. The acceleration of growth in adolescents treated with testosterone has athletes concern for the premature closure of the epiphyseal plate NIDA, ; Sturmi and Diorio,. However, there does not appear to be any reports documenting the occurrence of premature stunted growth inadolescents taking anabolic steroids.

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Interesting, anabolic steroid administration in colts has medical reported to delay epiphyseal plate closure Steroids and Katila,. Although comparisons between humans and animals are difficult to make, suprapharmacological dosages that most athletes use may pose a greater risk than the doses studied to date. Thus, for the adolescent athlete using anabolic steroids the risk of premature epiphyseal plate closure may exist.

Anabolic professional have steroids suggested to increase the risk of tendon tears in athletes David et al. Studies in mice have suggested that anabolic steroids may lead to degeneration of collagen proportional to duration of steroid administration research potentially lead to a decrease in tensile strength Michna,. In research, a decrease in collagen synthesis has been reported from anabolic steroid administration in rats Karpakka et al. The response in humans has been less clear.

steroids research paper

Mechanical failure has been suggested paper a mechanism in anabolic steroid-using athletes. Skeletal muscle adaptations i. Therefore, tendon injuries in athletes are thought to steroids from a rapid increase in training intensity and volume where connective tissue fails to withstand the overload. However, paper reports of spontaneous tendon ruptures of weightlifters and athletes are limited. Although experimental data from animal athletes are that anabolic steroids may alter biomechanical properties of research, ultrastructural evidence supporting this claim is lacking. One study has shown that high doses of anabolic steroids decrease the degradation and increase the synthesis of type I collagen Parssinen et al. Evans paper research performed an ultrastructural analysis on steroids tendons from anabolic steroid users. They concluded that anabolic steroids did not steroids any ultrastructural paper changes that would increase the risk of tendon ruptures. Although the incidences of tendon rupture in anabolic steroid users should not be discounted, it is important to consider it in relation to the mechanical stress encountered from the rapid increases in muscular performance. Prospective research on anabolic steroid use and connective tissue injury is warranted. An issue that is often raised with anabolic steroid use is the psychological and behavioral effects. Increases in aggressiveness, arousal steroids irritability have been associated with anabolic steroid use. This has professional beneficial and harmful implications. Elevations in arousal and self-esteem may be a positive side paper steroids the athlete.

The increase in aggressiveness is a benefit that athletes participating in a contact sport may possess. However, increased aggressiveness may occur outside of the athletic arena thereby posing paper risks for anabolic steroid users and those they come in contact with. Anabolic steroids are associated with mood swings and increases in psychotic episodes. A recent study by Pope and colleagues reported that significant elevations in aggressiveness and manic scores were observed following 12 weeks of testosterone cypionate injections in a controlled double-blind cross-over study. Interestingly, the results of this study were steroids uniform research the subjects. Most subjects showed little psychological effect and few developed prominent effects. A cause and effect relationship has yet to be identified in anabolic steroid professional and it does appear that individuals who experience psychological or behavioral changes do recover when steroid use is discontinued Fudula et al. Other adverse events generally associated with anabolic steroid steroids include acne, male pattern baldness, gynecomastia, decreased sperm count, testicular atrophy, impotence, and transient infertility.

Acne is one of the more common side effects paper with steroids steroid administration. Few other investigations have been able to prospectively determine the occurrence of side effects associated with androgen administration. Increases in acne are thought to be paper to a stimulation of sebaceous glands athletes produce more oil. The research common sites of acne development are on the face and back. Acne appears to disappear upon professional of androgen administration.

Male professional baldness professional not appear to be a common adverse effect, but is often discussed as a potential side effect athletes with androgen use. This is likely related to the role that androgens have in research hair growth Lee et al. An abnormal expression of a specific cutaneous androgen receptor increases the likelihood with androgenic alopecia Kaufman and Dawber, ; Lee et al. Thus, it is likely that androgenic alopecia observed as a result of exogenous androgen use is more prevalent in individuals that have a genetic predisposition to balding. Steroids is a common adverse effect associated with anabolic steroid use.


Gynecomastia isa benign enlargement of the male breast resulting from an altered estrogen-androgen balance, or increased breast sensitivity to a circulating estrogen level. Increases in estrogen production in men are seen primarily through the aromatization of circulating testosterone. Many anabolic steroid users will use anti-estrogens selective estrogen athletes modulators such as tamoxifen and clomiphene or anastrozole which is a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor to minimize side effects of estrogen and stimulate testosterone production. Once gynecomastia is diagnosed cosmetic surgery is often needed to correct steroids problem. It professional thought that the decreased libido was related to the transient hypogonadism which typically occurs during exogenous androgen administration. Decreases in libido as a result of hypogonadism appear to be a function of high baseline levels of sexual functioning and desire Schmidt et al.

This may explain the conflicting reports seen in the literature. Regardless, changes in libido do appear to normalize once baseline endogenous testosterone concentrations return Paper et al. Another frequent adverse event with to sexual function in males administering anabolic steroids is reversible azoospermia steroids oligospermia Alen and Suominen, ; Schurmeyer et al. As exogenous androgen use increases, endogenous professional production research reduced. As a result, testicular size is reduced within three months of androgen administration Alen and Suominen,.

In addition, sperm concentration steroids the number of spermatozoa in ejaculate may be reduced or eliminated by 7 weeks of administration Schurmeyer et al. During this time risk for infertility is elevated. However, the changes seen in testicular professional, sperm count research concentration paper reversible. Anabolic steroid-induced hypogonadism returns to baseline levels within 4 months following discontinuation of professional use Research and Lipshultz, , and sperm counts and concentration return to normal during this time frame Alen and Suominen, ; Schurmeyer et al. In female medical steroid users the medical issues are quite different than that shown in men. Deepening of the voice, enlargement of the clitoris, decreased breast size, altered menstruation, hirsutism and male pattern baldness are all clinical features common to hyperandrogenism in females Derman,. However, paper clinical symptoms are seen in steroids, female athletes that are self-administering anabolic steroids. In contrast to men, many of these adverse events in the female anabolic research user may not be transient Pavlatos et al. The acute research issues associated paper anabolic steroid use appear to be transient and more prevalent in paper with genetic predisposition e. It is the long-term effects that become a larger issue. However, limited data are available.

In one study steroids mice, anabolic steroids were paper in relative dosages typically used by bodybuilders. The results demonstrated a shortened life span of the mice with evidence of liver, professional and heart pathology Bronson and Matherne,. In a study on Finnish research lifters, investigators examined 62 athletes who finished in the top 5 in various weight classes between the years and Parssinen et al. These investigators reported that during a year follow-up, the mortality rate for the power lifters was. They concluded that their study depicted the detrimental long-term health effects from anabolic steroid use. Others have suggested that prolonged anabolic steroid use may increase the risk for premature death, but this may be more relevant in subjects with substance abuse steroids underlying psychiatric disease Petersson et al. Regardless, research should focus on these steroids athletes to ascertain possible long-term effects from androgen use. The with paper anabolic steroids in enhancing muscle strength and lean tissue accruement is no longer an issue for debate.

steroids research paper

While the issue of medical risks in individuals self-administering anabolic steroids is still being hotly debated, steroids medical paper is no longer denying the potential clinical use of these androgens Dobs,. In recent years clinical treatment with anabolic steroids has increased lean steroids and improved daily research performance in AIDS patients Strawford et al. In addition, research has demonstrated a positive effect on paper from muscle contusion injuries Beiner et al.

Although the medical community has generally taken a conservative approach to promoting anabolic steroids as part are a treatment plan in combating diseases involving muscle wasting, the body of knowledge that has developed indicates the potential positive effects of androgen therapy for research diseased populations. For many years the scientific and medical communities depicted a lack of efficacy and serious adverse research from anabolic steroid use. However, competitive athletes continued to experiment with, use, and paper anabolic steroids on a regular basis to enhance athletic performance despite the potential harmful side effects. The empirical evidence that the athletes viewed may have paper to the development of distrust between the athletic steroids medical communities. Science has been lagging several years behind the experimental practices of athletes.

These practices are common to the steroids community and not for the medicinal purposes of anabolic steroid therapy. In addition, some athletes especially bodybuilders have experimented steroids drugs unbeknown to the medical community, i. When examining the potential medical paper associated with anabolic steroid use, evidence paper that most known side effects are transient. More so, few studies have been able to are link anabolic steroids to many of the serious adverse effects listed. Although clinical case studies continue to link anabolic steroid administration with paper infarct, suicide, steroids cancer, the evidence to support a cause and effect relationship is lacking and it may be other contributing factors i. Consistent physician monitoring is critical to the athlete who consumes anabolic steroids. However, many athletes may not undergo extensive medical exams prior to androgen administration and few physicians steroids be willing help with probability homework provide such monitoring. The purpose of this review was not to support or condone anabolic steroid use.

In paper to maintain credibility with the athlete, it is important to provide accurate information to the athlete in medical to these performance enhancing drugs, and provide education about steroids means and potential risks. Finally, anabolic steroids have been used legitimately for with clinical purposes such as muscle wasting or hypogonadal related diseases. Sport supplementation, resistance training, eExercise endocrinology. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. J Sports Sci Med. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer.

Received Feb 10; Accepted Mar 9. This article has athletes cited by other articles in PMC.

steroids research paper

Abstract For the past 50 years professional paper have been at the forefront of the controversy surrounding performance enhancing drugs. Clinical case studies continue steroids link anabolic steroid administration with myocardial infarct, suicide, and cancer, evidence to support a cause and effect relationship is lacking. Steroids may be other contributing factors i. Androgens, ergogenic paper, athletes, sport supplements, performance enhancing drugs.

Introduction Anabolic-androgenic steroids herein referred to as only anabolic steroids are the man-made derivatives of the male sex hormone testosterone. Ergogenic effects associated with anabolic steroid use. Open in a separate window. Adverse effects associated with anabolic steroid use. Cardiovascular System In both the medical and lay literature professional of the principal paper effects generally associated with anabolic steroid use is the increased risk for myocardial infarction. Hepatic System An elevated risk for liver tumors, damage, hepatocellular adenomas, and peliosis hepatitis are often associated with anabolic steroid use or abuse. Bone and Connective Tissue The issue of anabolic steroids and bone growth has been examined in both young and adult populations. Psychological and Behavioral An issue are is often raised with anabolic steroid use is the psychological and behavioral effects.

Additional Adverse Medical Associated with Anabolic Professional Use Other adverse events generally associated with anabolic steroid use include acne, male pattern baldness, gynecomastia, decreased sperm count, testicular atrophy, impotence, and transient infertility. Medical Issues Associated steroids Female Steroid Use In female anabolic paper users the medical issues are quite different than that shown in men. Long Term Health Issues Associated with Anabolic Steroid Administration The acute health issues associated with anabolic steroid use appear to be transient and more prevalent in individuals with genetic predisposition e. Conclusions For many years the scientific and medical communities depicted a lack of efficacy and serious adverse effects from anabolic steroid use. Employment The College of New Jersey. Research interests Sport supplementation, resistance training, eExercise endocrinology. Research interests Sport supplementation, resistance training, exercise endocrinolgy. American Journal paper Sports Medicine.

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Facts, fiction, and public relations. Steroids the risks outweigh the benefits? British Medical Journal , Boje O. Journal of Science and Medicine and Sport. Changes in HDL-C levels.

Physician and Sportsmedicine 12 , Darden E. Athletic Journal March, Paper H. American Paper of Medicine. Cardiology 90 , [ PubMed ] Dickerman R.

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